On Saturday we had our field trip to Oxford. It was not really what I expected it to be. We all thought we would get to tour Oxford University, but instead we toured the town and one of the colleges there. It was still cool to see the area, but it was a very long day. One thing I did like, though, is that we saw the room where they filmed a scene from Harry Potter! In the 4th movie there is a scene where they learn how to dance (Ron dances with Professor McGonagall if that helps your memory). It was filmed in a building at Oxford! We didn't get to go inside, but there were so many windows looking into it that you could see it was just like the movie.
The building Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was filmed in |
The rest of the tour was interesting, but it was so cold that it was hard to focus on the tour guide. We realized we always seem to take walking tours when it is freezing outside. Hopefully that won't happen anymore!
On our bus ride to Oxford Maddy had looked up tickets to the One Direction concert that night just to look at prices for fun (it was the opening of their world tour). We found some that were cheap! We didn't really think we would go until we saw how cheap we could possibly get them. We researched the website we found them on and saw a lot of bad reviews so we kept looking at other sites for tickets for the next nights show. To our luck, we found two sets of two tickets that were two rows apart for a reasonable price. So of course we had to get them! I mean, who else can say they went to a world tour concert on it's opening weekend in London?
Kaley, Maddy, Kara and I in O2 Arena |
We got to O2 Arena on Sunday and forgot that other people would be there. I know what you're thinking.... it's a One Direction concert, of course people will be there! We were just so shocked we got tickets that we didn't even think about other people. There was also a matinee show so the place was really crowded. Maddy, Kaley and I wanted Nando's for dinner, but when we got there it was packed so we found a random Thai restaurant and decided to eat there. When we got seated I looked around and saw someone who looked familiar. I looked at Kaley and asked "Kaley, is that Lou??" (Lou is One Direction's stylists). She looked over and said "Oh my God, it is!" Fate. That is all I can say about that. When Kara arrived we told her not to freak out, but Lou was here. Kara LOVES Lou and kept saying she wanted a picture with her. She worked up the courage when she was getting ready to leave and went over to ask for a picture. Kara said she was really nice and asked if she came all the way from the States just to see her!
Next item on our list was to get our tickets scanned to make sure they were legit. You know when you are going through customs at an airport and are worried something might be wrong on your passport and they won't let you in? Well, that is exactly how we felt since we bought them from a random website. All of our tickets scanned in and we hugged each other. We were officially going to see One Direction! In London, of all places!

We found our seats and were amazed by how good they were! From now on I am letting Kaley do any ticket-finding we may need... she did an excellent job! I sat by Kara and we saw that Maddy and Kaley were having some issues with their seats. Someone was sitting in them and were worried they might not be able to see the show. They got everything worked out, and another crazy thing happened. The lady sitting next to them is friends with Paul, One Direction's body guard. Again, this was fate.
How did we end up eating dinner in the same restaurant as Lou, getting amazing seats for the concert, and sitting by people who were friends with Paul? None of us know exactly how to describe how we felt during the whole evening because this kind of stuff never happens to us back home.

The concert was amazing! The boys were energetic throughout the whole show and we were dancing all night. It didn't seem like we were really there, though, because everything happened so fast. At one point Niall talked about how the tickets for this tour went on sale about one year ago and thanked everyone for waiting that long to attend the show. Kara and I just looked at each other and laughed. No problem, Niall! Waiting 20 hours for the show was very difficult, but it was worth it.
After a few hours of dancing and having the best time of our lives the show was over. They ended with "Live While We're Young" and "What Makes You Beautiful," both very energetic songs so we were singing our hearts out! When it was over we just sat down for a while and tried to take in what had just happened... we had attended a One Direction concert on it's opening weekend. What??

We headed back to Waterloo to get the trains home, but there was none that were going to Surbiton (we didn't realize it would run different on a Sunday night... lesson learned). I am the only one that needed that train, the others needed the one to Kingston. Maddy just said I could stay with her so I wouldn't have to walk to the bus stop alone from the train station. Kara was already going to stay at Kaley's because she forgot her house key. But when we got to the bus stop the busses weren't running like they normally do, either! So when Kaley and Kara's bus had come Maddy and I decided to just walk to her house. When they were getting on Kaley yelled for us to get on. Without thinking we quickly jumped on. That is when Kaley informed us that we would just stay at her house with them to make sure we all got somewhere to sleep that night. Slumber party!!
Louis |
Niall |
We used to think that everything happening to us here was just luck... luck that we had been to the same party as Liam and Louis within the first two weeks of being here, luck that we were two feet away from them at the Brits a few days ago and luck that everything that happened at the concert had gone so well. We quickly decided that this was all fate. If you thought that sounded corny, just wait for it. We really do think that it was fate for the four of us to meet here and become friends so we could experience this stuff together. London may be my lucky place, but fate has brought me to some amazing people.
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