I had Uni classes the rest of the week.... my schedule still is not completely worked out so I went to the modules I am registered for and the ones I'm hoping to ge switched into. Basically, I've been an awesome student and going to extra modules. The classes on Thursday and Friday are ones I am trying to switch out of. There was one on Thursday morning I went to that I am trying to get into, which is a song lyric writing class. My friend Kaley told me she was in it and it sounded interesting. The professor is Scottish, too! I also had a Media Industries module later that day. On Friday I had the seminar for that class. I also had a module called Global English. I thought it would be about how English is used throughout the world, but it is actually about how English is taking over the world as an easy way to communicate with other countries! It is very interesting so far. I decided if I can't get my time table (schedule) changed then the classes I am enrolled in now will be fine. They are interesting and do not seem to hard so it will be good! The only bad thing about this schedule is I am use to being done by noon on Fridays; right now I am not done until four. The biggest difference between Uni and CMU is that there is not as much work. It's not like we are slacking, though. We still do a lot of readings, but there are not any tests until the end so there is not as much studying to do (once we start getting more material, though, I will be studying so I don't get behind). Also, they have a lecture and seminar for each class. Back home you only have a lecture.
Random story: Kaley, Ellyn and I went grocery shopping on Thursday and one of the workers asked me if I was finding everything ok. When I said yes he got excited because I was American. He started asking me questions about where I am from and when I said Michigan his first thought was Detroit.... which he somehow connected to President Obama. He let us continue our shopping but then found us again to ask if college is really how it is in the movies with all of the sorority and fraternity parties. We told him how there are sororities and fraternities, but the parties are not usually that crazy. Again, he let us continue our shopping. When we went to the check out lanes he saw us, gave us a wave and said he hoped to see us soon. He was very excited and caught off-guard to meet Americans!
I really like Big Ben and wanted to post this picture of it :) |
Ok so let me start off this paragraph that I am a One Direction fan and not ashamed of it! I mean five cute boys who can sing, what's not to love? My friends and I had heard last week that there was going to be a party at the club called Funky Buddha that Liam's friend was hosting for his birthday (Liam is from One Direction). Knowing there was a slight chance of Liam being there we decided to go! Right from class I took one of the Uni buses to the Kingston Uni Hill campus and from there walked to Ellyn and Kaley's house. I had never ridden a Uni bus before because there is not one near my house, so I was a bit worried I had gotten on the wrong one (but I didn't! I am figuring out the public transportation here). I did walk right past their house, though, so Ellyn had to go outside to meet me so I could find it easier. Rachel was already there and Kaley and Maddy walked in a little bit later. We did our make-up and some us did our hair there before we decided to head into the city before it go to dark. We met up with some more people at the train station then had to wait a little while before the train actually came. Little did we know there was a delay. Once we finally go on the train, the usually 20 minute train ride took an hour and 10 minutes. Because we didn't want to be late we started getting ready on the train (fixing our make-up, figuring out what to do with out hair.... we looked like a small beauty shop taking over a few rows). We got off the train, found the hostel we booked for the night and finished getting ready. When we checked in the worker asked us where we were going. When we told him he asked us if it is a "posh" club. When we said yes he told us we better change (we were still in leggings and sweaters we wore on the train). Trust me, a night where we have the possibility to see a celebrity is the perfect excuse to try to look you're best!
Rachel and I at Funky Buddha |
Funky Buddha is one of those places where you have to call ahead to even get onto the guest list to get in. It's is much nicer compared to Wayside back home. We walked there and then had to stand in line for a little while before we were let in. While walking in Kaley and I both hear people at the door whisper into a phone "No sign of Liam yet." We were on look-out mood for the night! Once we were in we paid, put our coats in coat check then went to the bathroom. For how nice the club was you would think it would have a little more space in there! You had to ask the bathroom attendant for toilet paper and once you were done and came out to wash your hands she would turn the water on for you and give you paper towel. We later found out we were supposed to tip her... oops! But then we went downstairs to where the club was. Lesson of the night: if you plan on wearing new shoes anywhere (even to school) break them in first! We haven't even gotten to the dance floor yet and my feet were killing me. Kaley's were, too, so every once in a while we would have to lean on each other to give our feet a break (we even took them off a few times when we were out of the eyes of security). At one point we found a ledge upstairs that we sat on but then got asked not sit there by a worker. Apparently the only way you can sit down there is if you rent a couch.... for 500 pounds (or $784.95). Who has that kind of money?? We just danced all night and eventually my feet got numb enough that my shoes didn't bother me. We saw Andy Samuels (the birthday boy) multiple times that night! We first saw him walk into the club and one time he was standing right outside the VIP room while Kaley and I were walking down the satires and we were the only ones there so he saw us (he isn't really famous but he knows famous people so that's still kind of cool, right?). We danced all night! Eventually my feet hurt so bad that it hurt to walk and Ellyn had hurt her foot, as well, while dancing so we decided to wait outside for the rest of our group because we were planning on leaving soon anyway. Little did we know we should have stayed. Apparently Liam and Louis (also from One Direction... bonus!) came out to the dance floor right where we were. My timing could not be worse! So Maddy, Rachel and Kaley got the see them and basically danced with them because they were so close. Not going to lie... I was jealous. The only thing that made my night better was when Rachel told me Liam was close to us at one point. The camera guy was filming a video and apparently he was filming Liam! Ellyn and I saw the video being recorded and jumped a few times to try to get in it so I might be in a video with Liam (works for me!). I can still tell people I was at the same party as them, though. We went back to the hostel that night exhausted.
Trafalgar Square |
We woke up the next morning and got out of the hostel by 10 and went to find some breakfast. We had the Jack the Ripper walking tour that day but not until 4 pm so we still had a lot of time. We went to the M&M store and made our way to Trafalgar Square. We started to walk towards Buckingham Palace when we saw a lot of trailers lined up. We found a security guard and asked him what it was for. He told us Tom Cruise was filming a movie here! I think he said it was called "All You Need Is Kill." He told us exactly where they were filming, too. We walked to where he said and found the movie set! No sign of Tom Cruise, but we got to see part of a scene being filmed. It was really cold so we went to find a Starbucks to sit in until it was time to leave for the tour.
Knowing I get scared easily this tour was probably no the best choice of mine. It freaked me out! It was very interesting but it almost scared me to walk anywhere (considering I have to walk to and from the bus stop everyday). At the very end the tour guide was talking about one of the victims and he said she was found right in "this spot" and pointed to where I was sitting.... as if I wasn't already scared enough!
"All You Need Is Kill" Movie Set |
From the tour Lorraine and I went to meet up with more of our friends from camp. There was a surprise party! It was good to see more people from camp... even though they were all from the United Kingdom it was like seeing a part of home again.
I feel like every Sunday will be a struggle to try to get ready for Uni the next day (unless my time table doesn't get fixed then I won't have class until Wednesday). And today is the Superbowl. I am rooting for the 49ers because my brother, Adam, use to like them when he was younger. They are showing the game somewhere in Kingston but it is from midnight until 4 am.... I am already exhausted from this weekend! If I don't watch it I'm sure there will be plenty of Facebook and Twitter updates about the game.
This weekend showed me how many different opportunities I have from back home. I already knew London would give me plenty of opportunities to travel and explore different cultures, but I never thought I be at the same party as celebrities, see a movie being filmed and get to be in one of the best cities in the world.
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