My plan everyday this week was to get started on my paper so I don't have to worry about it later, but that hasn't happened yet. I mean I'm still doing fine since it isn't due until May, but I just want it out of the way.
I did accomplish something else, however. My trip to Germany is officially booked! Since Ellyn and I don't have class on Tuesdays we went to a cafe and found the cheapest (and most reliable) flight we could and a hotel. My brother Adam is coming with us, as well. He is coming to London during our spring break. On top of that, my mom is coming the second week of break, along with Mrs. Goncer (Ellyn's mom)! They planned our trip to Paris! The only disappointment to that trip is that they said we won't have time to go to Disneyland Paris. Ellyn and I are HUGE Disney fans and were quit sad when they told us this. They did suggest we could go on our own time, but we would rather spend our money on going to another country instead of going back to one we've been to.

Wednesday after class Kaley, Maddy and I planned some more day trips to take. I love the fact that we can travel to different places pretty much whenever we want to! At Central I had the freedom to go to different places, but there is not many places to go. Here you can go to Central London for a day, or head to other cities like Brighton, or go to the different museums (most of them are free!).
On Thursday (Valentine's Day) I was at the bus stop on my way to head to Uni when I started to talk to the other lady at the bus stop. She was impressed that I came two minutes before the bus was suppose to arrive and asked if I had a smart phone telling me when the buses came. I just happened to be very lucky that I came when I did! I told her that I had a pay-as-you-go phone because I am a study abroad student. Then she got interested in asking where I was from and what it is like back home. She asked how I liked the weather here and when I told her it was much warmer here she gave me a crazy look, so I told her how back home schools were getting snow days because of the snow. She then asked what I was studying and when I told her journalism she said that must be hard to get into. I told her it is, but I'm working hard at it. Also, the fact that I want to work for a magazine makes the competition even harder. She then told me it is very important to follow your dreams, no matter your age. Hearing that little bit of advice was just what I needed to hear, considering I did not want to go to class on such a nice day!
After class Kaley and I went into town to do a bit of grocery shopping. Considering that fact that it was Valentine's Day we decided to treat ourselves a bit with chocolate, milkshakes and a rose. We were fine carrying our roses when we were walking together but then when we got onto our separate buses to go home I began to notice the looks people gave me. Some people stared and some others just smiled at me. Kaley and I decided we probably shouldn't buy ourselves flowers again.
On Friday we had a tour of Globe Theatre with our British Life and Culture class. But before we got there Ellyn and I met Kaley and Maddy at Trafalgar Square for lunch! It's strange to me that saying things like that is normal.... Just having lunch at Trafalgar Square. What?? Still doesn't seem completely real!
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre |
We then set off to find the Globe Theatre. We had a bit of a long walk to find it, but we got to see more of London that we haven't yet! We walked by the London Eye, saw more little shops and even found a skate board area full of graffiti. When we found the theatre we found more Kingston students and then started our tour. We got to see some of the different seat views (including standing right in front of the stage) and saw a little museum after of costumes and props used in plays. After we went to the Borough Market, which is like a farmer's market. It was really cute! They sold a lot of cheese, which is kind of random. We went home for the night after that.
On our way to Parliament! |
The next day we had a tour of Parliament! This trip was, again, with the British Life and Culture class (this class is amazing because of all the trips and history you learn of England!). Most people had this tour on Friday, but for people who had classes on Friday we got the tour on Saturday. It was cool to be able to go inside the building and see the different rooms. In my British Life and Culture class we had learned about Parliament this week, so seeing the rooms in person helped a lot. The tour was not too long, so after Ellyn, Rachel and I went to The Sherlock Holmes Restaurant for lunch. We had perfect timing because right as we finished people had to begin making reservations to eat there.
That night we had a "Valentine's Day Party" with some of our friends. We went to Ellyn and Kaley's house and had nachos, fruit and chocolate and s'mores (at least the closest we could make it because they don't have graham crackers here). It was Maddy's first s'more since they don't have them in Australia! She was surprised by how sweet they were but she liked them. I asked my mom to bring real graham crackers when she comes to visit me so hopefully we can make Maddy a real s'more soon!
After our tour of the Parliament Building |
I came home today and got to skype my brother Aaron while he was out to breakfast with my parents. He is a senior in college and just had his last swim meet. All the kids in my family swam, but he is the only one that continued in college. It's so weird to think that we never have to go to another meet. It was good to "see" him since I haven't been able to skype him much since I've been here.
This week is going to be very exciting/eventful. Tomorrow my class is canceled (the perks of taking a fashion class in London... it might get canceled during London Fashion Week!), but I still have to go to Uni to meet my magazine journalism group so we can figure out our presentation for Wednesday. This week I am hoping to get more schoolwork done (or at least started) and get my laundry done. One thing about doing laundry here that bothers me is that it takes so long to do! It takes about two hours to wash the clothes and another two hours to dry them. I'm used to doing two loads in that time!