From there we got a very long bus ride to Kings Cross for Platform 9 3/4. Adam isn't a huge Harry Potter fan, but we needed something quick to do before dinner. He still thought it was cool to see. I'm trying to convert him to be a real fan, it will happen in time.
We went to the O2 for Nando's, round two! It was delicious, as usual. We also stopped at the 1D World store and I was in heaven. We got on the cable cars to head over the river to the Greenwich Observatory! Remember that moment when I realized I had fallen in love with London? This was that spot. And it happened again. I can't go there without being amazed by the view!
Greenwich |
On Friday my mom arrived, along with Mrs. Goncer (Ellyn's mom)! So, we went to pick them up at Heathrow. Ellyn and I were just excited to watch the arrivals of other people. There were so many little kids running up to their dads as they came out of their gate, and a lot of grandparents anxiously awaiting the arrival of their grandkids. It was all just adorable. Eventually our mom's arrived!
Random picture of Picadilly |
We got on a bus and headed back to Kingston, where Adam and I had to leave to head to a football game with some of our friends from our jobs back home. After a few long bus rides (I'm not just being dramatic... they were really long bus rides!) we finally made it! We were seeing Crystal Palace. I knew football was big here, so I was excited to experience a game in person! Unfortunately, Crystal Palace lost, but it was still fun to watch the game! I decided I am going to start following Chelsea because they are the team in London that many people support. I know that's not the best reason, but I really don't know any other teams besides Manchester United and I feel like a lot of people back home like them. Now if only I had the chance to actually watch these games on tv...
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