Uni classes officially started on Monday! I am having some issues getting the modules (what classes are called here) that I want, but I knew one of the ones was on Monday, which was Fashion History. I went to the class just in case I get into it, which I hope I do. The professor was so energetic and really engaged the whole time. I have that class with my friend Marli and every once in a while we would just look at each other because of the way the professor was acting. She was acting like she was modeling during fashion week... it is one of those "you had to be there" moments. At one point she mentioned President Obama, which I found amusing because rarely in classes back home do we mention other countries politics.
A lot of my friends and I don't have class on Tuesday so we decided to go to Oxford Street to do some shopping. We went to stores like TopShop (which was 3 stories, had a bakery, cafe, eyebrow waxing, nail salon, ear piercing and Ellyn said they had a tattoo parlor in there as well!), H&M, Zara, Office and ended our shopping spree with lunch at McDonalds... trust me, the McDonalds here are much nicer than back in the States!
"You're a wizard, Laura." |
Ellyn and I were done shopping by that point and wanted to head to Kings Cross to live our childhood dream of finding Platform 9 3/4. We left the group and found our way to Kings Cross (such a big accomplishment for us!). We were basically running through the train station trying to find it and when we did Ellyn was almost in tears. The line to get a picture there was not long. Once we got to the front we got to choose what scarf we wanted to wear. Ellyn got her picture first and wore the Gryffindor scarf. My turn was after her and I wore the Hufflepuff scarf. The photographer was making fun of me for being a Hufflepuff but I'm proud of it! After our pictures were taken we ran to the store (there is a Harry Potter store at the train station) to see our pictures. The store had wands, coffee mugs, keychains, Hogwarts Express train tickets, scarves, sweaters... basically anything a Harry Potter fan would want! Ellyn bought a Professor Snape wand and I got Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (it's the same book as the Sorcerer's Stone but I had to get a copy of the original). While I was taking Ellyn's picture in front of the store the photographer walked by and offered to take our picture together in front of it. Ellyn mentioned to me how we should have gotten our picture taken together and the photographer heard and said he would put us in front of the queue (british word for line) if we wanted. So, naturally, we put the scarves back on and acted like we were heading off to Hogwarts again! We were so happy after finding that platform. We decided to head back to Kingston to get some dinner then head home because we had class the next morning.... we found our way back all by ourselves again! And someone even asked us for directions on which tube to take. I guess we are finally beginning to look like locals!
Ellyn and I living our dream!! If only it actually took us to Hogwarts... |
I had Uni again this morning. I had a magazine journalism module at 9 am. It is really interesting because magazines are what got me interested in journalism. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love magazines! My favorite part of the class is that we are encouraged to read magazines throughout the semester, easy for me to do! I met another study abroad student who is studying in NYC back home. She got to intern at Elle Magazine and her friend got to intern at Glamour Magazine (which is one of my favorites). Right after the lecture we had the seminar for the class, which is a smaller version of the class so you can do more hands-on activities with more help. This is when I found out just how much work this module will be, but I think it will be very helpful for me in the future.
Later today I had British Life and Culture. I have a lot of friends I met at orientation in that module with me! This module is for study abroad students and you learn about the british culture (hence the name). We also take a lot of field trips to places like Parliament, Oxford and Bath. I cannot wait to go on these trips and learn about everything. I think the easiest part of the class will be the pop culture section (I listen to enough One Direction, Ed Sheeran and Olly Murs so hopefully I'll get an A on that section). I have the seminar for that module next week with Ellyn! That seminar only meets every other week.
After everyone was done with their modules for the day we hung out at the local pub. One of my friends told me she found out there was a module offered at Kingston Uni called "Muggle Studies." Now I'm wondering why I'm not in that class? Being in London makes Harry Potter seem so real.
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Tomorrow and Friday is where my schedule gets really messed up. I am going to a song lyric writing module in the morning because I am trying to get into it (just for fun). After that I have a broadcasting module that I am hoping to get out of. I have the same issue with my Friday modules but I have been emailing people about the problems so it should be cleared up soon and I will then have my official schedule.
Ever since visiting Platform 9 3/4 I just keep wishing it actually led to Hogwarts. I love Uni, but doesn't every Harry Potter fan just want to hop on the Hogwarts Express?