Don't worry Mom and Dad.... I didn't actually get married! An explanation will come later in this post.
Last week was just like the others. Class, worked on more papers, group projects.... Since our finals are coming up we have to crack down on our school work. I also had my last seminar for British Life and Culture! Our final for that class is on Wednesday and I haven't even studied for it yet. Oops! But I still have tomorrow, Tuesday and most of Wednesday to prepare! But in all honesty, it shouldn't be that difficult. 20 multiple choice questions and a short essay (we have already been given the topic). See why I'm not too worried?
Orlando Bloom |
On Friday I went into London with Kaley, Maddy and Ellyn to go to Madame Tussauds! We got there and went to find the line for where to buy tickets, since Ellyn was the only one who didn't buy hers online because it wouldn't accept her card. When we found out how long the line was, she wouldn't make it in time for when our time slot was. But she was a trooper and told us to have fun and she had a day in London on her own. She even got front row tickets to see Chorus Line! Go Ellyn!
Madame Tussauds was insanely crowded, but so much fun! Maddy is afraid of wax figures, but she still wanted to go. There were a lot of figures there that we got excited for.... Leonardo DeCaprio, the Royal Family, Emma Watson, Cheryl Cole and of course One Direction! We got our pictures taken with almost all of them! The One Direction ones were the most exciting for us. Since they are new it was a little crazy in that room, but not as bad as we thought! We went through and got our pictures, but then realized we didn't get a group picture so of course we got back in line. I asked a random girl to take our group picture and she is literally the best photographer ever! She noticed the first one she took had someone in the way so she moved over and then got a pretty good group photo. Then we were about to move but told us to freeze and zoomed in on just me and Niall and possibly the best picture ever was taken. Shout out to the girl who did this for us! As we were leaving I touched Harry's hair and then Niall's then got told I'm not allowed to touch their hair. Who knew??

The amazing picture the girl took. |
ET Phone Home |
Near the end of the museum we decided we were kind of done. It was really crowded and people kept getting in our way and we kept getting in other people's way.... it was just a lot of people. At one point, though, a worker did call me the Queen of Michigan. What a gentleman! We left and then went to find the hostel we book for the night because we were going to Funky Buddha!
I swear, this stuff would only happen to Kaley. She booked the hostel, and when we got there we realized she booked it for May, not April. The guy working must have felt bad because he was calling other places and found a hotel that had an extra room and wouldn't charge us extra. A hotel instead of a hostel for no extra cost? We'll take it! Once we got there Kaley realized she lost her passport because the worker at the hotel asked to see ours. Apparently she left it at the hostel and they called the hotel to tell them they would bring it over for us. We felt like we were getting star treatment!
We decided to go to Funky Buddha because it was my birthday weekend and it was also Caspar Lee's, a YouTuber, birthday weekend! We had a feeling he might be going as well. None of the YouTubers had tweeted about going all day. Once we were all completely ready and relaxing a bit before we left Maddy checked her twitter and just about screamed. Ashton, from 5 Seconds of Summer (who opened for One Direction on tour), tweeted that he would be going to Funky Buddha to celebrate Caspar Lee's birthday that night! We really weren't sure how our night could get any better!
We got to the club and got in for free because we were one of the first 80 girls there.... really, we were probably one of the first 8 girls there. We were standing by ourselves and dancing a little bit. Honestly, we were having a great time! We saw Ashton walk in a little later and he was by himself. Randomly, a group of 3 girls came up to us and said "You guys look like you're having as much fun as we are right now." They looked completely bored, so they were wrong because we were having a blast. We were laughing and dancing not caring who was watching. Those girls need to learn to have fun! Anyway, more and more people started dancing and soon the place was packed. The YouTubers and Ashton were dancing right next to us! I didn't get into watching YouTubers until Kaley had me watch these twins, Jack and Finn. Well, those are her favorite and they were there. Her favorite of the twin is Finn and he was right next to her.... they looked like a couple! Jack was on the other side of the circle and we kept making eye contact. Their circle moved to a different side of us and they opened it, letting us join them. In this circle was Alfie, Louis, Caspar and their friends. They had people dancing in the middle randomly and they pushed Caspar in. He ran right into the 3 of us looked up kind of startled, then went back to dancing.
Getting ready for the night! |
We broke up into our little group of 3 again, when Kaley told me to move to the side and when I did I saw that Finn was next to me trying to join our group. We're convinced he liked Kaley because he kept looking at her. Also, Ashton was dancing behind Maddy and they somehow got talking (she started the conversation, but I'm not sure how). She's Australian, and so is he, so she mentioned that and he didn't believe her. When she assured him she was he kind of looked at all of us and remembered our faces because throughout the night if we ever ended up near each other he would join our group dancing. Even when we left we all kind of gave him a nod goodbye, and he acknowledged it. Thanks for being Australian, Maddy!
The night over all was just incredible. There were so many times when the YouTubers were dancing right by us. Louis even had his camera out to vlog about the night and we ended up in his video in the background! We got back to our hotel and just could not believe what happened.
Here is where the marriage thing comes into play: We had seen the wax figures of One Direction and the YouTubers we all love in one night. I know the whole marriage idea is far fetched for them, but us girls can dream, right?
The next morning we got up, packed up our things and set out to find breakfast. We all sent tweets to the people we saw last night, just hoping for a reply, but sadly got nothing. We went to the National Gallery for a bit then decided to head back to Kingston since our feet hurt so much from the night before. We saw The Place Beyond the Pines, got some dinner, then went home.
Sunday was my 20th birthday! I realized it was my first birthday without my family. Of course, in high school I would see them because I lived at home and last year my birthday was the day one of my brothers graduated from U of M so I saw them then. My first birthday away from my family is in London.... not too bad!
We all needed some sleep, so we had just planned on dinner at Nando's that night. Rachel came over a little earlier and curled my hair for me and we ended up looking like twins because we both had on black leggings, white sweaters and curly hair. We walked to Nando's and met Maddy, Kaley and Ellyn there. Ellyn had a Bueno Bar and card at my seat for me... and the card had a message recorded by One Direction! It was just a generic message, but I can always pretend it was recorded just for me. After Nando's we went to the pub for dessert. You can't celebrate a birthday without ice cream! Maddy and Kaley gave me a gift there, which was a princess card, a Lucozade, and an Oreo Cadbury bar. My friends really know how to make me happy.... just give me chocolate!
It's really hard to think that I have Uni this week. After how amazing this weekend was, I feel like there is no way for me to focus in classes. Thankfully I already have most of my homework done so I don't have that much to do.
We also all started to realize how quickly this experience is coming to an end, and we are not ready for it. We don't want to leave London. We just love it way too much! Kaley said something today that really just puts study abroad in perspective for me and my group of friends: "I feel like Cinderella. I've found the perfect shoe that fits, why would I go back to wearing the ones that hurt my feet?" Sorry America, but London is my glass slipper.
Prince Harry |
The Royal Family |
David Cameron |